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¿Estás cansado de recibir facturas telefónicas confusas?

Hacemos un estudio de tu caso y te ayuda a pagar menos

Stop losing money on every single bill. Thanks to Axarfusion.

Send us your invoice. Our experts will start analysing it.

Enjoy a transparent teleoperator close to you.


Completely free study

At Axarfusion we offer a free phone bill study service so you can understand in detail all the charges and services you are paying for in your phone plan.

Save money

By allowing our experts to analyse your bill, we will identify unnecessary or excessive charges and offer recommendations to reduce your phone bill. This means you can save money on your monthly bills.

Detailed analysis

Our experts will analyse your phone bill in detail, identifying all charges, fees and plans that apply to you. This will give you a complete understanding of your bill, which will help you make informed decisions on how to manage your telephone expenses.

Free Service

There are no hidden costs or long-term commitments in our telephone bill analysis service. We offer an honest and transparent service at no cost to our clients.

Still thinking about it? We keep telling you I need it Help me!

What do we do?

You tell us, we improve it

First of all, it is important for you to know that our service is not limited to any one provider or type of phone plan. We specialise in the analysis of all types of telephone bills, from mobile plans to fixed and fibre optic lines. Our goal is to provide you with the information you need to understand your bill and make informed decisions about your telephone services.

Our process is simple and efficient. Just send us your phone bill and our team of experts will carefully analyse it for any charges or services that you don't understand or that seem suspicious. We will provide you with a clear and detailed explanation of each charge and help you understand how discounts and promotions are applied.

Easy and done
thinking of you ⚡

Our telephone bill analysis service is completely free of charge, with no hidden costs or long-term commitments. We only offer an honest and transparent service to help you save money and control your telephone costs.

By relying on us to analyse your telephone bill, you can also save time and effort. Instead of spending hours reviewing your bill and looking for unnecessary charges, we do it for you, allowing you to concentrate on other important things in your life or business.




Transparency and closeness is what drives us.

clients speak out

Customers who trust


Let us help you 👋

Don't waste any more time overpaying for services you don't use or don't understand. Contact us now to request your free phone bill survey and start saving on your phone bill today. We are waiting for you!

Contact us, attach the invoices you would like us to study and our specialists will contact you as soon as possible.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
(marque con una X si desea recibir información) Información básica sobre protección de datos Responsable: Axarfusión, S.L. Finalidad: atender su solicitud de información, consulta o cualquier otra petición que nos haga llegar a través de nuestros formularios web y enviarle información publicitaria y otras comunicaciones de interés relacionadas con nuestros servicios a través de e-mail, teléfono y correo postal Legitimación: adopción de medidas precontractuales a su petición y su consentimiento prestado Destinatarios: profesionales externos que nos prestan servicios auxiliares Sus derechos: tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir sus datos, así como otros derechos que se explican en la información adicional. Información adicional protección de datos: puede obtener la información adicional de protección de datos a través de nuestra Política de Privacidad

Let us help you 👋

Don't waste any more time overpaying for services you don't use or don't understand. Contact us now to request your free phone bill survey and start saving on your phone bill today. We are waiting for you!

Contact us, attach the invoices you would like us to study and our specialists will contact you as soon as possible.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
(marque con una X si desea recibir información) Información básica sobre protección de datos Responsable: Axarfusión, S.L. Finalidad: atender su solicitud de información, consulta o cualquier otra petición que nos haga llegar a través de nuestros formularios web y enviarle información publicitaria y otras comunicaciones de interés relacionadas con nuestros servicios a través de e-mail, teléfono y correo postal Legitimación: adopción de medidas precontractuales a su petición y su consentimiento prestado Destinatarios: profesionales externos que nos prestan servicios auxiliares Sus derechos: tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir sus datos, así como otros derechos que se explican en la información adicional. Información adicional protección de datos: puede obtener la información adicional de protección de datos a través de nuestra Política de Privacidad
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¡Hola, Soy Axa! 👋
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